Supporting Families In Our Sanghas

  • 09/21/2021
  • 2:00 PM - 3:30 PM
  • Online

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Supporting Families in our Sanghas

Parents are the primary spiritual guide for their children everyday. We can help them realize the potential of life’s activity in nurturing loving and caring relationships in their home. Supporting Families in our Sanghas Workshop will offer a mixture of how to help Zen practitioners integrate the dharma with their parenting, and how to help sanghas be more receptive and nourishing for families. This workshop will include a general presentation and discussion, followed by facilitated breakout groups for particular interests. During this workshop, we will address:

  1. Devotional Practices for Families
  2. Practices for Good Family Relationships
  3. Meditation Practices for Families

Presented by:

Flying Fish Barbara Murphy: Flying Fish developed and led the children's program at Clouds and Water in Minneapolis for many years and is practicing and teaching at Dharma Rain and a member of the Dharma Garden Council.

Shin'yu Vitells: Shin'yu is a monk at Dharma Rain, runs the Frog Song Montessori Preschool, and has taught both Dharma School and the Parents group over time. She is currently head of the Dharma Garden Council, guiding the entire children and family program at Dharma Rain.

Kakumyo Lowe-Charde is abbot of Dharma Rain, and taught the middle school group for 8 years, and has been a Dharma Camp counselor for 19 years.

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